Articles in English

Articles in English · 06. agosto 2020
It is one thing to speak from the passions that this topic arouses in the face of individual feelings. And another very different is to see death, chaos, pain, tragedy in the face every day, that is the work that health professionals have faced since this pandemic began.
Articles in English · 24. junio 2020
Life is made up of moments, of scenes that form the album of an existence. What makes up a particular life?

Articles in English · 31. mayo 2020
What is the supposed normality to which we are returning? What is the life that awaits us outside the door of our houses? What does each one feel in the face of loneliness, excess of the same company or lack of someone who cannot be seen for any reason?
Articles in English · 13. mayo 2020
We now know through neuroscience research that the nervous system has neuroplaticity; This means that the brain can be modified structurally and functionally during life, so when faced with brain damage from a specific area of ​​the brain, other areas can replace the lost functionality.

Articles in English · 29. abril 2020
Water as an image can evoke our emotional world ... Just as this world of water is fickle, changing, surprising, so is the mystery behind the different forms of our emotional dimension, with the possibility of creating, destroying and renewing.
Articles in English · 25. abril 2020
In some ancient cultures for a member of the community to be called a sage or the sage of the community, it could be among other things that they go through a time of confinement that was considered a process of spiritual initiation...